Hair loss is one of the major as well as most common problems that is noticed in both women as well as men. However, the problem of hair loss is more common in men as compared to women. Loss of hair always proves to be very daunting because it affects the appearance of the person. If you are concerned about your hair loss then there are many treatments available that can help you to solve the problem of hair loss.
Cause of hair loss
The problem of Hair loss can also be known as alopecia and it can happen due to many different reasons such as due to the high level of stress, genetic reasons, due to pregnancy as well as hormonal imbalance. Hair loss severity can vary from entire head to several small patches. In order to solve the problem of the hair loss, you should visit hair loss clinic. Professionals in this clinic properly examine the condition and then choose the best medication that helps the person to overcome their baldness or hair loss.
Treatment available
When you are going for the hair loss treatment then very first thing you need to choose is what type of treatment would prove to be best for you. There are commonly two treatments such as follicular unit extraction as well as follicular unit transplantation that is generally used nowadays.
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)
In this treatment, small strip tissue is extracted from the head of the patient and hair follicles of the donor are also extracted from the tissue. Hair follicles of the donor are harvested by the professional team of surgeons and then they are transplanted over the recipient areas.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
In this hair plant treatment hair follicles are directly extracted from the scalp. These follicles get extracted in the random fashion and also from the body of the donor area.