“Most commonly associated with childbirth, these battle scars for mommies are quite a pain to remove and prevent”.

Secret Saviours aims to provide high-quality, affordable anti stretchmark bands, and active ingredients to intelligent, fashion-forward women to prevent stretch marks.

It is necessary to understand stretchmark’s are caused by rapid stretching of the skin and most likely if your mother had them, you will too. Best thing to do if you see a stretchmark appearing on your body is to treat it as early as possible.

How many products for stretch marks have you already tried? Probably too many and you have probably spent way too much money on products that don’t work. So how to prevent stretch marks? Products in the market today aim at renewing the skin matrix by stimulating the proliferation of collagen and elastin. By now, you are probably familiar with ingredients like ascorbic acid, copper peptides, palmitoyl pentapeptide or oligopeptides. Unfortunately, this isn’t the best option for people affected by atrophic skin.


Secret Saviours offers high quality anti stretchmark bands, Gels, and moisturising creams to fight off the appearance of stretctmarks.

This unique hand-finished band is made with special pads that gently hold your skin in place, making it 70% harder for stretch marks to form. It also provides under-bump and lower-back support. While the soothing aromatherapy Day Gel is Packed full of active ingredients to help keep your skin soft and supple, and prepares your skin to grip the Anti Stretch Mark Band more effectively. And at night, once you’ve taken the Anti Stretch Mark Band off, indulge in some serious ‘Me Time’. Created with a unique formulation of ingredients, to moisturise your skin while you sleep. With this formula , your body will most readily respond to treatment.

Also as an advise, it is important to know that Vitamin C is said to improve the look of stretch marks while still in the early stages. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen, but is at its best when paired with a glycolic acid. Opt for at least 500 milligrams of Vitamin C at least three times a day for best results.

To sum it all up remember to moisturize and eat your vitamins with every meal! If all else fails and you are dying to rid yourself of your stretchmark stripes, practice your budgeting skills and save up for a treatment!

Secret Saviours aims to providh-quality, affordable  anti stretchmark bands, and  active ingredients  to intelligent, fashion-forward women to scare stretch marks.e hi