Not All Disabilities are Easily Identifiable

The world is becoming a better place for people with disabilities. There have been a series of legislation passed protecting and helping disabled people. There have been a lot of advocates for disabled people preaching compassion and understanding. As a result, people have become more aware and considerate. However, there is still a long ways to go with people who are suffering from mental and “invisible” disabilities.

It’s fairly easy to spot an individual dealing with a physical disability. You can generally see it from a good distance away. People with missing limbs, or extremities with limited functionality are fairly easy to identify. However, there are people who are suffering from invisible disabilities are not as easily identified but possibly even more prevalent.

Invisible disabilities are defined as hidden disabilities or challenges that are primarily neurological in nature. Examples of invisible disabilities include but are not limited to chronic pain, chronic fatigue, mental illness, chronic dizziness. Other examples include narcolepsy, migraines, multiple sclerosis, etc.

For a comprehensive list of invisible disabilities go to: